Thursday 5 April 2012

A truly love-hate relationship ... On, The Mail Online

I’ve been quite disorientated lately and it seems to be down to a number of reasons.  I no longer have lectures to help me distinguish between weekdays and weekends, for a start.  And the weather has been unseasonably nice too, hasn’t it.  Plus, the Daily Mail certainly hasn’t helped.  It’s not August is it?  No?  So why has there been a classic ‘silly season’ article plastered all over its home page this week!?

You must all have seen the article from Samantha Brick bemoaning her beauty and other women’s bitchiness towards her by now, yes.

Woe is me.  I almost know how she feels.  She and I are very similar.  We are both ORDINARY looking, you see.  Though the similarity stops there.  I would never marry a Frenchman.  Nor would I wear bootleg jeans.  Or write for the Daily Mail.  Or think that I am astoundingly beautiful.

Brick writes that her beauty has cost her friendships and promotions, but don’t worry, it’s not all bad because sometimes guys park her car for her or send her bottles of champagne.  She has endured (and I use the word endured loosely) a few days of vilification over Twitter and the Daily Mail comments section and won the website probably its most ever hits to one article.

She is, it seems, completely out of touch with reality. (Which is probably what happens when you marry a moustachioed Frenchman.)  However, credit where credit is due.  She’s made herself the talking point for the week and secured the Mail Online its most ever ‘hits’ and comments.  And a record number of ‘green arrows’ on comments too.  (My housemates last year used to live for those little green arrows!)

A friend of mine once said a rather alarming thing to me: “You’ve got to admire George W Bush,” he began. “You might not admire his politics or his personality but there’s no getting away from the fact he was a successful politician.”

The same can be said for The Daily Mail this week.  They’re the news outlet that we all love to hate.  I can’t stand their homophobic, narrow minded, belittling views on most things.  And I dislike no one in the world as much as Liz Jones (NO!  You don’t look ANYTHING like Kate Middleton!).  However, every day I visit their site to numb my mind for half an hour or so, reading up on the cast of TOWIE and the royals and seeing what those ‘naughty immigrants’ are ‘doing to us’ now.  And I’m not the only one who does so, meaning they are now the BEST newspaper/website.

It pains me to agree, but they are.  Not in terms of content, creative flair or current affairs coverage.  But just in terms of the amount of tat they publish that we all love to read.  And they, almost, cater for everyone.  Except Muslims and gays, I guess.

They consistently publish articles showing us just how achingly beautiful the likes of Kim Kardashian and Abbey Crouch are, yet just a few scrolls down Sandra Parsons is wondering why on earth young girls aspire tobe like Victoria Beckham rather than Amelia Earhart.  I can’t think for the life of me why Sandra?!  I better just spend another twenty minutes on your website and then maybe I’ll understand...

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